It is discovered a physical phenomenon, which proves that God created the world
The Law of conservation of mechanical energy during many years is being declared absolute. Accordingly to the Law of conservation of mechanical energy are made several experiments, which are contradictory to this law. The description of these experiments is offered to your attention. The sense of the discovered physical phenomenon is concluded in that that the made in reality experiments should bring to the forming of a new mentality, a new vision upon the problem of unity and co-influence of nature, God and human.
It is opened a physical phenomenon, which isn’t working by the physical laws and bewilders scientists.
It is known from history, that Galileo Galilee when making experiments had noticed that during the throwing down of leaden balls of different values, their falling happens simultaneously. The results of this experiment had being contrary to the Aristotle’s theory, which dominated in science since the forth century B.C. According to the Aristotle’s theory, the leaden ball with a greater mass should fell quicker than the leaden ball with a smaller mass. "The body, which has a greater power of weight or lightness, if for the rest they have the same shape, - wrote Aristotle, - rather passes the equal space in that proportional relation, in which the given weights are to one another.” In other words, in one and same ambience the bodies of the same shape fall as faster as their masses are greater.
Though during centuries this Aristotle’s idea has been dined to every student of all universities, there were some scientists, which doubted its verity.
Galilee proposed to the scientists from Pisa, who had been continuing to repeat over and over again that Aristotle was right, to make a joint experiment. The professors didn’t want to participate in such experiments. A crowd of students, several teachers - the witnesses of the held experiments saw how the balls of different sizes have being unknown for what purpose thrown down from a tower. These eccentric pranks have been disgracing, in professors’ opinion, the university. And what, strictly, do his "experiments” prove, and how in general a mathematician could dare to judge about the fundamental problems about motion, a domain, which is rightfully studied since the old ages only by philosophers? Does he really think that throwing down some balls from a tower it is possible to refuse Aristotle? He is spreading doubts, attempts authority of the great ones. A lecturer without a degree, an upstart, which undeservedly ranked along their number due to high patronage.
When Galileo Galilee had been demonstrating his experiments with the falling balls and stated that refutes the Aristotle’s theory, everybody laughed at him, considering him mad. The history proves: many scientists, which made an opening, weren’t recognized by their contemporaries. And what is expected for the overthrow-ers of the absolute laws in the XXI century?
What is the main idea of the discovered physical phenomenon?
Imagine two weights of steel of a spherical form; the biggest ball is having the mass of 2 kg, and the smallest has the mass of 1 kg. If raise the ball 1, which has 2 kg, on a height of 0.5 meters, and the ball 2 with mass of 1 kg on a height of 1 meter, then in both cases are spent equal quantities of energy 9.8 J, without taking in consideration of loss. See figure-1.
Hereinafter we examine figure-2: we let down ball 1 from a height of 0.5 meters and ball 2 from a height of 1 meter, and below them are installed two identical springs. When falling down, ball 1 and ball 2 compress both of the spring equally. The result of the experiment proves that the formula mgh is correct.
Further we make an experiment with a device that consists of a fixed corpus, upon which it is installed a metallic peg that can move like a pendulum.
See figure-3, where it is represented the given device.
We raise the peg from the lower point to the upper one (see figure-4). In the higher part of the corpus it is fixed still the spring, which’s lower end is united with the peg by a cord.
We regulated the length of spring so that peg when falling down from point A stretched it till point B (see figure-5).
The entire peg’s kinetic energy from point A to point B has been spent for spring’s sprain. We measured only the first, the peg’s most strong hit, and the further fluctuations we won’t take into consideration.
We make the second experiment: raising the peg in point A we move the spring from edge to the centre of corpus. We remove the fixing point with the peg from edge to the centre of peg (see figure-6).
After this we lower the peg so that when falling down it stretched the spring (see figure-7).
The peg when falling transmits to spring its entire kinetic energy. In point B we take into account only the first hit and calculate the energy of peg and spring. After making frequentative experiments we reached a conclusion: when falling of peg in point B, the spring is sprained equally, either in the first variant or in the second one, but besides this, in the second variant the peg haven’t lost the entire kinetic energy and continues to stretch the spring. If raising the peg from point B to point A, in both cases are spent equal amount of energy. After the frequentative measurements, in point B we get 30% difference of energy. In all of the experiments it is used the one and same peg, either the spring, and the way from point A to point B is 90?. If mgh remains unchangeable for every variant, then why do we in the first experiment get in point B by 30 % less energy? After all we know that the Law of energy conservation and transformation states: for any processes, which occur in an isolated system, its whole energy doesn’t change.
This law is expressed by the formula: W=Wk+Wp -- The mechanical energy is equal to the amount of kinetic and potential energy.
The problem consists in that that not every result of experiments can be explained on the basis of the existent laws. The results of our experiments are subordinated to the given formula mgh. The earth’s attraction power is a constant physical value, and it is marked in formulas by symbol g. The mass of metallic peg is marked by m. m is an unchangeable value, because peg’s mass in experiments’ course remains the same. We raise the peg each time from point B to point A, these points represent the height. The height, according to physical laws, is marked by symbol h. In our experiment we raise the peg equally, from the horizontal position in to the vertical, that is to say h isn’t changing. According to the physical laws we made correctly the experiments, without changing mgh. In both of the experiments we should obtain an equal energy amount. The results of our experiments are subordinated to the given formula mgh, but they aren’t to the formula W=Wk+Wp, that goes in contradiction with the physical laws, as follows: W>Wk+Wp – The mechanical energy is greater than the amount of kinetic and potential energy, that disagrees the Law of conservation of energy.
In the 18th century scientist Lavoisier studied the mass of matter. He noticed that the weight of chemical reaction’s product is equal to the total mass of the source components. For example, when burning paper in hydrogen, the ash and gases weight as much as weighted the paper and hydrogen before burning. Lavoisier formulated "the law of mass or matter conservation”. His conclusion was: the matter can’t appear or disappear. But he hadn’t taken into consideration the factor that when paper burns in hydrogen, it is eliminating energy of light and warmth. By means of light and warmth it is possible to execute work. On this principle are functioning the internal combustion engine and the photovoltaic module. In Lavoisier’s experiment the matter had being saved on 100 %, but energy disappeared.
In our experiment energy disappeared, too. As a matter of results of this physical experiment, we state: in this world the energy can disappear.
We reach the first conclusion: the experiment proves that energy can disappear.
Every living on Earth is having its own life cycle, which first or last ends. The living organism, having consumed its reserve of inner energy, perishes. It is permanently happening a renovation: on the change of the deceased comes the living.
We reach the second conclusion: alongside with the permanent disappearance of energy, constantly happens the appearance of energy.
About this the Bible tells: "…thou shalt take away their breath, and they shall fail, and shall return to their dust. Thou shalt send forth thy spirit, and they shall be created: and thou shalt renew the face of the earth. "(Psalter, Psalm 103:29, 30).
Scientist from the entire world recognized the Law of energy conservation to be absolute. The absolute law- this means an unlimited law, to which is subordinated everything. We cite an instance with a simple construction device. If such a simple experiment brings us over the limits of the Law of energy conservation, then what can be said about the more complex phenomena, which are studied by an atomic level.
The matter consists of atoms, and the atoms consist of electrons and nucleus. The electrons are constantly rotating around the nucleus. It follows that the matter can not exist without energy. The permanent rotation of electrons around the nucleus is the analogy of perpetual motion, and this goes contrary to the generally accepted Law of conservation of energy. So far the human hadn’t been given to create a perpetual motion device. Only a divine power can make electrons permanently rotate around the nucleus. In nature must exist an auto-renewable source of energy – the Creator.
We reach to the third conclusion: if the power, which should give a pulse for appearance of new energy from nowhere, wouldn’t exist, the World would disappear.
We cite some other interesting instances:
Every object, which moves, has energy (kinetic energy). The Earth moves around the Sun with a velocity of 30 km/h. The human, standing in a place, moves around the Sun with the same velocity, but we don’t feel this. To acquire our own velocity of 5 km/h we need to repulse ourselves of the Earth’s surface, and to stop, it is necessary to press against it.
The Sun and the stars are generators of light and give to it the starting pulse. The light moves in cosmos with a velocity of 300,000 km/h, and sometimes it reaches the Earth, illuminates it, transmitting to Earth its energy.
The generator gives a pulse to electrons; the lamp receives the pulse from electrons, and as a result appears light.
We reach the fourth conclusion: in nature, must primarily exist two interconnected sides of one process, the first, which gives a pulse, and the second, which receives this pulse, that is to say any phenomenon should have a start and an end, should exist a Lawmaker, which is determining the start and the end.
This is proving by a quote from the Gospel of John: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” If taking in consideration the different meanings of the greek word Logos – a word, a thought, a reason, a law, then it is opening the deep sense of the given phrase, and appears the truth: "In the beginning was the Law, and the Law was with God, and the Law was God.” And on the basis of this Law was created everything sheer in this World.
And what happens then? It is that the main idea of the Holy Writing about the Divine creation of the world finds its scientific confirmation. God is that power, which can create from nothing energy – matter. In the Bible it is said that the source of the energy - the Creator – initiated the material Universe.
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” (The Genesis 1:1).
These words call our attention to the Creator, which is superior to the material Universe, because He created it and, therefore, He existed before this.
Each one of us, watching the sky, not a single time asked ourselves: whence appeared the Galaxy, which is having milliards of stars? Only the Sun works out and secedes in the interplanetary space an enormous quantity of energy, and during the whole period of its existence (more than 4.5 milliards years) this is expressed in fantastic number. The Sun permanently loses energy, a part of which is absorbed by Earth and other planets, another part disappears in space. This energy doesn’t return to the Sun. Following the logic of the affirmation about that energy is matter, after milliards of years the Sun should have been decreased and disappeared. But the Sun is increasing, and not the contrary. If the law, according to which happens the Divine principle that gives the pulse to appearing of new energy from nothing, wouldn’t exist, the Sun would have disappeared a long time ago. This means that the mass of Sun remains by it, the energy is seceding, spending and restoring by the Divine law, where God is the beginning of all the beginnings. And now, imagine: milliards of stars are seceding energy, each as the Sun. The physicians affirm that the Galaxies in cosmos appeared from the Big Bang, but for such quantity of matter to appear, according to the Law of conservation of energy, it is necessary that the energy of the explosion to correspond to the entire mass from the universe. If the energy of the explosion doesn’t correspond to the entire mass from universe, then the Law of energy conservation isn’t correct, but if this law is right, then the proportions between these factors (the energy is equal to matter) should coincide by the formula E=mc2. Scientists affirm: from a small circle of energy happened the explosion, and have been formed milliards of Galaxies in cosmos. This proves the existence of a Divine beginning.
About the dialectics of the scientific cognition Galilee had wisely said : "No one of us possesses the entire truth, but each of us is approaching to it by making a contribution in amount of the authentic knowledge.”